Healing Circles
Healing Circles are an ancient healing modality implemented by many indigenous communities. By engaging in a dialogue that sets the tone for honest sharing, deep listening, and community building, participants train to become healing circle keepers in a three-day program led by experienced circle guardians.
Our Healing Circles program aims to create an LTAN Team of Healing Circle keepers among our members and immigrant leaders to support building community care within our movement for immigrant rights.
Popular Education
The political development of LTAN members is a critical component of our mission. Our political education trainings are designed to organize mental health professionals who will actively support Latinx communities in the movement for migrant rights. Here, members learn about cultures of resistance across African-descendant and indigenous nations. Later, delving into the history of European colonialism in Latin America and expanding into the roots of racial capitalism, we dive into the economic and political systems that impact immigration in the U.S. and globally. Throughout the sessions, members reflect on their own stories and the histories of the communities they are a part of.

The Bienestar Program aims to fortify the immigrant rights movement’s work by creating systems of community care that build up the leader’s capacity to address the trauma caused by the US immigration system on movement leaders and organizations. This program comes as a direct response to the different types of requests we have received since the formation of our network, from movement organizations to individuals. The Bienestar Team comprises Latinx Therapists Action Network members with mental health training who can assist individuals on the frontlines of the migrant/refugee movement who need support through individual emotional support pláticas, mental health education, and resource referrals.
Flourishing in Community
Flourishing in Community is a program geared towards multigenerational Latina immigrant women across Mexico, South America, and Latin America. Facilitators share practices for self-reflection, managing stress, and exploring the nervous system. At the same time, the space allows for a deeper discussion among participants to explore collective well-being and identify practices that can be implemented in the movement for immigrant rights. The goal of Flourishing in Community is for participants to walk away with a better understanding of trauma on a personal level and the broader connections to systems of oppression.